
Top ten graphic design quotes

A compelling quote can both entertain and educate you at the same time. As graphic designers, it is important to have a regular supply of inspirational material such as graphic design quotes in order to keep you focused, driven and passionate towards your work.

01. Milton Glaser
Keep in mind that Milton Glaser was the man who designed the iconic “I Love New York” logo.

Even though the logo was initially developed in 1972 to promote tourism in New York City, it has evolved into much more than that. Many people enjoy it for its compelling appearance and overall appeal.Its simplicity and basic concept still blended together beautifully in order to create the “WOW” aspect that still pleases millions of people four decades later.
Milton Glaser

02. Paula Scher
Overnight success is impossible within any type of art – especially a market that is as saturated as graphic design. If you are spend too much time and effort searching for the “perfect” design, you will find yourself spending more time waiting than creating. View each wrong mistake as one step closer to getting it right; do not allow them to discourage you.
Paula Scher

03. Bob Gill
As a hobby, the only person that has to be pleased with your work is you. However, if graphic design is how you make your living, then your client’s viewpoint is going to play a significant role in your success.

Use the collaboration and discussion groups within Designhill to get the honest feedback of your peers within this market. Doing so will make it much easier for you to work towards creating a design that more people will love besides just you.

Bob Gill

04. Chip Kidd
Even though the nature of this particular quote might seem a little risqué, the underlying principle Chip Kidd was trying to reveal hits its mark. Ideas come and go. You should never become overly attached to one – especially if it is simply not working for you. Becoming too attached to an idea that only leads you to a dead end street is not the type of turn you want to make on the road to success as a graphic designer.

Chip Kidd

05. Saul Bass
At the end of the day, graphic design is an art form. You have to approach it as such if you are interested in becoming successful at it.

Saul Bass
Keep in mind that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so you should focus on making sure that creating art which is universally beautiful is your primary goal. Whether you are pitching a Fortune 500 corporation or a small business in your neighborhood, your clients should agree that your work is at least beautiful.

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06. Lindon Leader
Think about many of the most iconic logos and designs that have been developed over the years. Many of the most profound logos master the art of simplicity and clarity. Lindon Leader created the FedEx logo, which is arguably the epitome of simplicity. However, it has become a timeless classic in the world of graphic design because of Lindon understanding the importance of those two cornerstone factors.

Lindon Leader

07. Jeffrey Zeldman
As the old saying goes, imitation is the best form of flattery. Artists in every field (including graphic design) will continue to research other sources for “inspiration.” That is just part of how the game is played, so you need to get used to it. It would even be helpful for you and your business to follow the same pattern when it comes to your own professional research.
Jeffrey Zeldman

However, you should never take offensive when it seems as if other famous creative graphic design experts are blatantly stealing your work and ideas. On the contrary, you should celebrate those minor “thefts” as small victories. Why? It provides reassurance that your work has not only made an impact on your clients and their customers but even your own competitors as well.

08. Antoine De Saint Exupéry
As it is said, the simple design is not always best but the best design is always simple. One should always strive to achieve simplicity in the design rather than perfection. If your design efficiently communicates with your audience then it has achieved the mark. To sum up a good design is self-explanatory.
Antoine De Saint Exupéry

09. Alina Wheeler
Every piece of design from a logo design to creating brand identity, it is made around a well-thought out and creative concept. The main purpose of design is to communicate a story, a deep message or convey the hidden meaning behind it, in a visually attractive way.

The very purpose of a design gets defeated it it fails to convey the meaning behind it or concept attached to it. Design needs to be transparent so that your audience is able to conceive the message.

Alina Wheeler

10. Ellen Lupton
White space is often mistaken as empty space but it is the most valuable part of the design. It is the space between columns, between figures or lines of type. A great design makes excellent use of the white space and is important to provide visual breathing room to the eyes of viewers.

Some Example Of Ronys_Design

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