
Christmas story quotes and positive saying

Christmas story quotes and positive saying

Grown-up Ralphie: He had yellow eyes! With God as my witness yellow eyes! 

Santa Clause Claus: Ho! Ho! Ho! 

The Old Man: In the warmth of fight my dad wove a woven artwork of indecency that, apparently, is as yet hanging in space over Lake Michigan. 

Ralphie Parker: In the warmth of fight my dad wove a woven artwork of foulness that, apparently, is as yet hanging in space over Lake Michigan. 

Merry Christmas
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Ralphie: Randy lay there like a slug. It was his lone barrier. 

Mother: do the little piggy's eat? 

Mother: Randy... how do the little piggy's eat? 

Mother: You'll shoot your eye out! 

Randy: I can't put my arms down! 

Mother: You can put your arms down when you get the opportunity to class. 

The Old Man: You spent all the paste deliberately! 

The Old Man: Fragile...Must be Italian. 

The Old Man: Fragile... Must be Italian. 

Cargo Man: Damn Hell you state 

Cargo Man: Damn, heck, you state you won it? 

The Old Man: Not a finga 

The Old Man: Not a finger. 

Grown-up Ralphie: Only one thing on the planet could've hauled me away from the delicate sparkle of electric sex shining in the window. 

Server #2: Deck the harrs with limbs of horry; fa ra, fa ra, fa ra 

Server #2: Deck the harrs with limbs of horry; fa ra, fa ra, fa ra. 

Mother: [at Ralphie in the pink rabbit suit] Ohhh isn't that CUTE?!! 

The Old Man: He resembles an unhinged Easter rabbit. It's a pink bad dream. Is it accurate to say that you are cheerful wearing that, Ralph? 

Ralphie: Son of a Bitch 

Ralphie: Son of a bitch! 

The Old Man: All right. Everyone upstairs, get dressed. We are going out to eat. 

Grown-up Ralphie: The grand smell still hung in the house. In any case, it was no more! All gone! No turkey! No turkey sandwiches! No turkey plate of mixed greens! No turkey sauce! Turkey hash! Turkey a la lord! Or then again gallons of turkey soup! Gone! All gone! 

Merry Christmas Bag


The Old Man: Sons o'bitches! Bumpasses! 

Santa Clause Claus: You'll shoot your eye out.

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