
Top ten fathers day wishes and messages

Wishing you happiness and joy on this your day, Father. I will love you always.

F riendship - you are a true friend 
A ffection - you always display your love for me
T eacher - you have been and still are my best life teacher
H umor - you display and showed me the importance of laughter
E nthusiasm - your never discouraged, you always encouraged
R ole model - you are an example for me to follow!

Dad thank you for all that you are and all that you have done.

Father you are the best
You are better than the rest.
I am blessed to have you
The best Dad through and through. 
More Fathers Day Poems

Wishing you a Happy Fathers Day on this day, and wishing you happiness and sunshine for the coming year. Thanks for all you are and all you do.

May the love and respect we feel for you make up for the worry and care we have caused you. 

There were times in my life when I didn't understand but you always took the time to help me and be there for me. Thank you!

Dad I wish you happiness
I send you love 
Dad I wish you happiness
I send you love
I wish you blessings from above. 
Happy Father's Day!

Thank you for your encouragement, for your love and support. I am so fortunate to have a Dad like you.

Dad, there is a saying that goes like this: "Any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a Dad!" You are that special man in my life, thanks Dad.

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