
Top ten Family quotes and sayings in English "Parents Day Quote"

Top ten Family quotes and sayings in English "Parents Day Quote". May these quotes inspire you to be a better person and appreciate your parents for all that they have done for you. Make them proud of the person that you ultimately become, remember, success is not what you get but who you become. Be the best that you can be, and be there for them in their old age.

Top ten Family quotes and sayings "Parents Day Quote"

Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.” Anonymous

“Appreciate your parents. You never know what sacrifices they went through for you.” Anonymous

“Don’t use the sharpness of your tongue on the mother who taught you to speak.” Ali Ibn Abi Talib

“Don’t anger your parents in order to please other people. Those other people did not spend their lives building yours.” Anonymous

“Love your parents and treat them with loving care. For you will only know their value when you see their empty chair.” Anonymous

“Nobody on earth can ever love you more than your parents.” Anonymous

“A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.” Billy Graham

“Parents. They didn’t leave you when you were young. So don’t leave them when they are old.” Anonymous

“We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.” Henry Ward Beecher

“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother.” Abraham Lincoln

“My heroes are and were my parents, I can’t see having anyone else as my heroes.” Michael Jordan

Leave a comment of what your favourite quote is from above and if you have any of your own. Share the article with others so that they too can appreciate their parents more.

Encouraging morning quotes in english with picture

Encouraging morning quotes in english with picture

Inspirational Good Morning Quotes are words of wisdom that often encourage everybody to welcome the brand new morning with passion, hope, and enthusiasm. These Good Morning quotes and good morning images give you the motivation to welcome the beauty of a brand new day!

“Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.”

"If you are thankful and grateful every morning as you woke up, happiness would come out within you."

“Some days you just have to create your own sunshine” 

"You will never have this day again so make it count!”

"Rise up because every day God always give us something new."

“Happy thoughts are the only cure for a sleepy morning.. and I feel the happiest when I think about you!”

“Everyday may not be good, but there is something good in every day”

“Each good morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most”

“For you kiss me, my heart for you, I love you. Good Morning!

“Loneliness is a special enjoyment when chosen by ourself.. but hard to digest when gifted by others. Good Morning!”

“Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction”

Life Changing christian motivational quotes sms and message

Life Changing christian motivational quotes

1. Everything may not be perfect. There are things that may need to change, but you have the grace to be happy today. – Joel Osteen

2. It takes more courage to be humble than it does to be prideful. – Matthew Hagee

3. It doesn’t take much effort to do what everyone else is doing. A dead fish can float downstream; it takes a live one to swim upstream. It’s easy to be common. The pressure comes when you decide to be uncommon. – Joel Osteen

4. Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. – Mother Teresa

5. God doesn’t take you in a straight line. There are twists and turns. It may not happen the way you thought, but the disappointments, the bad breaks are all a part of God’s plan. – Joel Osteen

6. Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realizing you were the prisoner.

7. Don’t be dependent on man, because they change like the wind. Depend on the Lord, and know that He is faithful to keep His Word. – Matthew Hagee

8. Faith is believing BEFORE what will only make sense AFTER. – Steven Furtick

9. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. – Martin Luther King Jr.

10. When you realize that God loves you and that He has a plan for your life, you can walk with your head held high—totally confident in who He created you to be. – Joyce Meyer

11. Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will. – A.W. Tozer

12. Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? – Corrie ten Boom

13. Stop worrying about what you aren’t and start being happy about who you are. – John Hagee

14. Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers. The antidote for a snakebite is made from the poison, and the thing that made you go backward is the same force that will push you forward. – T.D. Jakes Quotes

15. Faith doesn’t always mean that God changes your situation. Sometimes it means He changes you. – Steven Furtick

16. If you’re broken-hearted today, God has good news that says “weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning”. – Matthew Hagee

17. There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. – C.S. Lewis

18. Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you something to do, but it will not accomplish anything. Believe that God can give you provision at a moment’s notice, because He can. – John Hagee

19. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. – Mother Teresa

20. At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. – Mother Teresa

21. People have enough people pushing them down, pointing out their faults. Why don’t you be the one to push them up, see the best in them, and help them get free? – Joel Osteen

22. Money will never give you eternal life. Fame will never give you eternal life. Only Jesus Christ will give you eternal life. – Matthew Hagee

23. Instead of judging people, why don’t you take that same time to pray for them, to reach out to them, to let them know that you believe in them. – Joel Osteen

24. Our decisions don’t just affect us, they affect our family, our children, and our friends. If you don’t do the right thing for yourself, at least do it for your children, do it for your family. – Joel Osteen

25. When you start going through life saying “I can,” you will! It’s that simple. – John Hagee

26. It would be a shame for God to want to do more and for you to settle for less. – Steven Furtick

27. Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of obedience. – Steven Furtick

28. Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others. – Martin Luther King Jr.

29. As long as you are living, you will face problems. But you serve a God who solves problems. – John Hagee

30. Don’t fear failure. Fear faithlessness. Don’t fear attack. Fear apathy. Don’t fear rejection. Fear regret. – Steven Furtick

31. Worry will paralyze your mind so that you cannot formulate a better idea to solve your problem. Be anxious for nothing, and rely on God’s solution. – John Hagee

32. You can’t fulfill your calling in your comfort zone. – Steven Furtick

33. Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion; it is like a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ. – Billy Graham

34. If your happiness is based on things or having your way all the time, then you won’t be happy very long. Be thankful for what God has done for you and what you have now, so you can enjoy your everyday life while you’re waiting for unanswered prayers to be answered. – Joyce Meyer

35. True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. – Rick Warren

36. Don’t let your lack of confidence become the death of your calling. – Steven Furtick

37. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. – Mother Teresa

38. Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart. – Corrie ten Boom

39. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in. – Mother Teresa

40. Peace is so important. It’s a gift God gives us, and it grows in us just like fruit grows on trees—with time and nurturing. The key to living in peace begins with pursuing God and the peace only He can give. – Joyce Meyer

Best Good morning massage for son, wife and love

Best Good morning massage for son, wife and love

1. Every day I wake up and forget all the reasons that make me sad because I just need one reason to make me happy – YOU. Good morning.

2. Just like how a beautiful morning is incomplete without its orange hue, my morning coffee is incomplete without texting you. Good morning.

3. If you were right here, I would run my fingers through your hair and gaze into your eyes as I gave you a sweet morning kiss. Good morning, girl I miss you.

4. A simple good morning becomes a special greeting when someone so dear it is heartily given…Because u have to me a wonderful meaning. Take care!

5. Life is like a book. Each day like a new page. So let the first words you write be Good Morning to you my love!

6. Mornings Are Beautiful because It Starts With Your Love that Stays With Me All Day Long. Good Morning Dear.

7. The sun would have been darkness to me without you The cool of the day would have been hotness without you. My sleeping and waking are all because of your love. Good morning my Sweetness.

8. The best of me is found with you. The greatest of me, yet with you. I couldn’t have been this lovely, If not for your love. Good Morning.

9. A day is nothing good without the sun, As the night is nothing better without the moon. My morning night and noon is nothing without you. Good morning my life and my love.

10. Wake up, sweetheart! It’s time to open your arms and embrace the new day. Welcome happiness and success, Good morning!

11. When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I see you. There is nothing I can do without thinking of you. Good Morning.

12. Welcome a New Day with a Smile on your Lips and a Good Thought in your Heart.

13. You are the beautiful song of my life!I wish to be your music!Have a nice day!Happy morning my dear

14. Wake up along with the sunrise and start your day! My morning wish is going to get completed with your reply message So don’t forget to wish me back my dear! Good morning!
15. I may not carry flowers,I may not carry sweets to wish you good morning, but my wishes will make your day colorful As flowers and a sweet day more than sweets.

16. You are the pulse that throbs in my veins, you are the antidote that frees me of all pains. You are the rhythm of my heartbeat, without you my life would be incomplete. Good morning

17. I don’t care whether the sun rises or not, my morning starts only after I text my girl who I love a lot. Good morning.

18. The rising sun reminds me of your radiant face and the misty dew reminds me of your dreamy eyes. The distant sounds of the bustling city remind me of your soft whispers and the cool breeze giving me the chills reminds me of your romantic kisses. Good morning.

19. All my worries are gone, All my struggles are done! My future is great with you And from now, that I can envisage. I love my life with you. Good morning!

20. Just the thought of you brightens up my morning.

21. “Thank you for making my mornings perfect. Good morning my dear wife.”

22. “Good morning to my beautiful wife.”

23. “Dear wife, you are the last and first thought on my mind. Good morning.”

24. “Good morning to the perfect woman in my life.”

25. “You have stepped into my life and made me realize what unconditional love means. Good morning sweetheart.”

27. “Your smile is the only sunshine I need. Good morning!”

28.“Got your coffee and newspaper? Then all that’s missing is my kiss. Good morning!”

29. “Do you know how good it feels to wake up every day
And know that you are mine
And I am yours?
Good Morning and Love You.”

30. I will never hurt you. I will never lie to you. I will always support you. I will forever care for you. I will never let you cry. We will be together, even after we die. I love you… Good morning.

Good morning images with inspirational quotes SMS and text

Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.

What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.

Every day I feel it is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.

Grief is never something you get over. You don't wake up one morning and say, 'I've conquered that; now I'm moving on.' It's something that walks beside you every day. And if you can learn how to manage it and honor the person that you miss, you can take something that is incredibly sad and have some form of positivity.

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When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.

When you wake up each morning, you can choose to be happy or choose to be sad. Unless some terrible catastrophe has occurred the night before, it is pretty much up to you. Tomorrow morning, when the sun shines through your window, choose to make it a happy day.

My dad is too cute. Every morning, he sends me one motivational quote. I have a folder full of all his quotes.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Every morning that I wake up and I'm breathing, I can feel it and take a moment to say, you know, 'Thank God I'm alive for another day.'

I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.

A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does, and pleases him like a prostitute in the night.

My smile has been my ticket to the world. Smiling releases the same feel-good hormones you get jogging. Caring for your lips and gums is important. I brush my teeth morning and night, alternating toothpaste brands. In addition to flossing, I use a Water Pik to massage my gums and remove food particles.

Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, 'It's going to be a good day!'.

Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.

Your morning sets up the success of your day. So many people wake up and immediately check text messages, emails, and social media. I use my first hour awake for my morning routine of breakfast and meditation to prepare myself.

You cry and you scream and you stomp your feet and you shout. You say, 'You know what? I'm giving up, I don't care.' And then you go to bed and you wake up and it's a brand new day, and you pick yourself back up again.

Super Thirteen Good morning my love "morning wishes"

On this beautiful morning, I wish that you have a marvelous day full of love, hugs, and kisses. Don’t worry, you’re going to have them all from me! Good morning!

May the morning breeze refresh your mind and cleanse your exhausted soul so you can fill them once again with new hope, dreams, and desires! Good morning my love!

May this morning give you a brand-new beginning of your journey and add a new meaning to your life. May you find success today. Good morning my love!
Good morning my love. A beautiful day is waiting outside just for you. Open your eyes and experience the excellence of nature around you.

Wake up and welcome yet another wonderful morning in your life. I know today you’ll be shining like a star just like any other day. Good morning!

I may not be able to whisper sweet nothings into your ear at night, but I can type them to you in the morning! I love you.

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Today I woke up with the thought s of you in my mind. Now I am so badly missing you because I don’t want to enjoy this beautiful morning without you. Wake up!

This wake-up text is for letting you know that you are the first thought on my mind every morning. I love you so much. Good morning!

If you are still in bed, just know that I’m having a bad morning here without you. Please get up as soon as possible. Good morning!

I don’t dream of going to heaven anymore, because I have you in my life. Thank you for making my life a piece of heaven on earth. Good morning my love!

Every morning for me is an opportunity to love you, care for you, and make you feel special all day long. Good morning my love!

I hope you have slept like a queen last night. Now please wake up like a star and rule my world for one more day! Good morning!

Best Good morning quotes in english and gd mrng wish

Best Good morning quotes in english and gd mrng wish

The good morning quotes for friends assure your friendship to be long lasting. Send the best morning quote of the day to you best buddies on the starting of the morning. Here you will get the biggest collection of latest Quotes About Morning for buddies you love to have in your life. Grab here the latest good morning quotes images that you will never want to lose. These sweet morning quotes can be dispatched to friends, family members and other people you care for. Just copy the best morning quote from the given list and share with loved ones.

➤“Everyone has Highs and Lows that they have to Learn from, But every Morning I started Off with a good Head on my Shoulder, says to myself, It’s going to be a good day.”

➤“Open ur Tinky Minky eyes, stand up and stretch ur crunchy prunchy bonz and then wake up yourself, tell your brain to refresh and tell yourself today is a GOOD DAY.”

➤“You will not gain anything by looking back. What happened, happened. Look forward and move on.” 

Sunrise always wins over night & darkness and hope always wins over despair. I hope that you will defeat every night to make your future full of glorious rays of the sun. Good Morning Friends

➤After waking up in the morning think about the brand new day you are getting with 24 hours to spend. Use these hours fruitfully and you will know success. Good Morning

➤Life is a great mirror. If your face is happy the mirror also shows you a happy face. In this you if you approach to life with full of happiness, your life will also show you only happiness. Good morning to you from your friend!

➤Waking up in your arms again. That's what I call a good morning!

➤It's too early for good mornings, but you're already on my mind. So, "Good morning!".

➤A new day brings fresh thoughts and new level of energy. Use these gifts to propel your journey to success. Good Morning

➤Good morning today is a brand new day. One that we've never lifted before. Let's make it an awesome day!

➤Be an early riser and begin the day before most of the people do. In this way, you will get much time to beat others. So, try to follow this rule like a Mantra and get fabulous success in life. Good Morning

➤Joining your hands to pray to God is not as good as to extend your helping hands to other. Be a good and caring person and enjoy the beautiful morning! Good Morning

➤May this morning and the day brings smile in your face and fills your heart with happiness! Good Morning

➤Something special awaits you each day. All you need is to recognize it and make the most of it

➤Have a positive attitude through out the day and then I am Sure for you that
Today is Going To Be a Great Day!!! Good Morning

➤"It doesn't matter what day of the week it is. As long as we are together, It will always be a beautiful day. Good Morning Dear"

➤"Life is a rope that swings us through hope. Always believe that today is better than yesterday & tomorrow will be much better than today good morning !"

➤"God has added one more day in your life not necessarily bcz you need it but because someone else might need u. Good Morning!"

➤"Life is perishable the quicker you consume it, the better it feels. Stop thinking, start living. Good morning."

➤"The greatest inspiration you can ever get is to know that you are an inspiration to others. Wake up and start living an inspirational life today. Good morning."

"SMILES add value to our FACE.. LOVE adds value to our HEART.. RESPECT adds value to our BEHAVIOR.And.. FRIENDS & FAMILY add value to our LIFE!!! Good Morning"

Top ten short good morning sms text messages

“Thank you for making my mornings perfect. Good morning my dear wife.”

“Good morning to my beautiful wife.”

“Dear wife, you are the last and first thought on my mind. Good morning.”

“Good morning to the perfect woman in my life.”

“You have stepped into my life and made me realize what unconditional love means. Good morning sweetheart.”

“Your smile is the only sunshine I need. Good morning!”

“Got your coffee and newspaper? Then all that’s missing is my kiss. Good morning!”

“Do you know how good it feels to wake up every day
And know that you are mine
And I am yours?
Good Morning and Love You.”

Dear friend, new opportunities are going away and you will be too late to catch them. So, forget the bed and gear up to run. Good morning to you from a friend and well wisher. 

I don't believe in age,
I believe in energy.
Don't let age dictate
what you can or cannot do.
Good Morning

20 Romantic Good Morning Messages for your Wife

20 Romantic Good Morning Messages for Wife

“My mornings are never dull, as I get to wake up seeing your smile and a hot cup of coffee. Thank you for keeping up this routine for all these years. Good morning darling.”

“Every morning I wake up and find you sleeping, I kiss you gently taking care not to wake you up, but sometimes I catch you smiling. This is the best part of my day. Good morning dear.”

“Dear wife, you were always the first one to wake up, make breakfast, and help us get ready. Today you can relax and spend some time on yourself, as the kids and I have taken care of everything. Good morning sweetheart.”

“Good morning to the most beautiful woman in this world. You are the queen of my heart, and I cannot imagine my life without you.”

“It gives me immense pride to see you sleep peacefully beside me. I promise to protect you and be by your side always. Good morning dear.”

“Good morning to the love of my life. Hope your day is bright, and you go a step closer to achieving your dreams.”

“Do you know what motivates me to wake up every day? You! Yes, you always make sure to wake up before me, and keep everything ready. I am lucky to have you in my life. Good morning sweety.”

“No matter how stressful life is, it all vanishes as soon as I wake up to your lovely voice and smiling face. Good morning sunshine.”

“I hate it when the alarm rings and I have to wake up and leave you. Good morning darling.”

“Dear wife, I must be the luckiest person in this world to have a loving and understanding wife. Thank you for all the support and care. Good morning sweetheart.”

“Wake up, darling! It is a bright new day, and your husband is waiting to share his coffee with you. Good morning.”

“Dear wife, I am sorry for not being able to spend time with you. Today I planned something exciting just for the two of us. Wake up and get in the car with me. Also, a very good morning to you.”

“I am sick of waking up every morning and finding your side of the bed empty. I miss those days when I used to spend my mornings cuddling with you. Good morning and miss you dear.”

“As I open my eyes, you are the first thought that comes to my mind, and they start searching for you. My lips curl into a smile as soon as I find you. Good morning my love.”

“Good morning, dear wife! With this note, I want to tell you that I love you and want you in my life forever.”

“Dear wife, very good morning to you! I wish your day would be as amazing as you are.”

“Dear wife, you made me believe that a perfect marriage exists, even though we had our fair share of troubles, you made it all worth it. Good morning!”

“As the first rays of the sun touch your face, you glow like an angel straight from heaven. Good morning darling.”

“The feeling of waking up beside you every day is priceless. I am lucky to have a beautiful woman like you as my wife. Good morning.”

“Every morning, I wake up and want to cuddle with you and sleep for some more time. Good morning sweetheart.”

“Thank you for coming into my life and showing me what true love is. Good morning my dear.”

Top ten romantic morning wishes for wife

Top ten romantic morning wishes for wife

➤ You are the reason I can be happy even when I am sad and smile even when I cry. Good morning.

➤ You are the pulse that throbs in my veins, you are the antidote that frees me of all pains. You are the rhythm of my heartbeat, without you my life would be incomplete. Good morning.

➤ There is only one remedy to cold shivery mornings – warm cuddly hugs with you. Good morning.

➤ The beautiful morning DEW and the lovely morning HUE are symbolic of my love for YOU. Good morning.

➤ Because of you, I now understand what all of those quotes about love actually mean.

➤ You have found true love when you realize that you want to wake up beside your love every morning even when you have your differences.

➤ Sometimes I wish there was no alarm clock because that is the only device which wakes me up while I am dreaming of you.

➤ I will always protect you and take care of you. I will shelter you and be by your side always.

➤ I hope you feel my love all around you as you go through your day, sweetheart. I cannot wait to see you this evening.

➤ Good morning to the girl of my dreams. Just the thought of you brightens up my morning.