
Top Ten birthday greetings messages

“Happy birthday! May your Facebook wall be filled with messages from people you never talk to.”

“You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, happy birthday!”

“Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one. Happy birthday!”

“Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.”

“Happy birthday to someone who is smart, gorgeous, funny and reminds me a lot of myself… from one fabulous chick to another!”

“Don’t get all weird about getting older! Our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us!”

“As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two. Happy birthday!”

“You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. Happy birthday!”

“On your birthday, I thought of giving you the cutest gift in the world. But then I realized that is not possible, because you yourself are the cutest gift in the world.”

“Happy birthday to someone who is forever young!”

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